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Just RAIN and Park Jin Young Han actually did not think in such a short period of time to do this step, can not help but think of here RAIN comforting pat on the shoulder Han: Dude, what is today ready to jump? Jumped a brother your "escape the sun's way" it, clarisonic can not think your brother will come back today, a dance spot clarisonic australia clarisonic australia 's new album and both are love songs, or jump your good nike air max brother, and the other day Skip fairly familiar. Han shrugged road. To know Han Han as one of Korea's top SOLO praised not just only ranks first among all the idols of his vocals, Han dance music community is equally recognized by South Korea, Han is also the sun and BB, SJ's Eunhyuk and other idols is a representative of the new generation of Korean dance, dance shows how the strength of Han superb.

Prelude music slowly up, Han took a deep breath, pushed his hand glasses leave the body, people are then surprised to find just a lazy way of Han also changed, Han who exudes an difficult implicit momentum so that everyone slight bit breathless. "The way to avoid the sun," Han also skipped many times, in the Han period RAIN trainee as a pillar clarisonic mia JYP trainee dance is often jump, just like Han dance will often be used to jump as trainee.

And this time Han dancing in addition to RAIN satisfied or satisfied with the smooth which is now given RAIN Han first impression, the entire action and music together in a perfect convergence, generally there is no gap to fill the gap, gentle in with sexy, although Han is now wearing a flat-rimmed glasses, but Han is the perfect expression of the sun wearing sunglasses to avoid the feeling. That you can escape the sad, sad but who knows haunting, reflecting the contradictions of the inner world, reflecting the two feelings: Silence and the outbreak, as the water generally silent, like a volcano vigorous and hair, clarisonic australia strong, wild, hysterical clarisonic australia beautiful, gorgeous, excited.


